convergence-continuum announces auditions for the World Premiere of

The Pitchforks by Andrew Kramer
The Pitchforks
A dark comedy, horror, mystery/thriller
directed by Eva Nel Brettrager
The camera holds on a lingering shot of the buzzing neon sign and you know exactly where we’re at - EXT. a shitty roadside motel.
INT. A group of old friends reuniting to escape their wife and life. But as the sun sets and the heat rises, old ghosts begin to walk among the living. Asking questions about queer representation in pop culture,
The Pitchforks is a tender love-letter to and vicious indictment of horror movies and the people who love (and hate) (and make) them.
Camden SELLERS: Clean-cut, like Massachusetts, impressive pearly whites.Any race/ethnicity Gender: Male
Tommy JUTLAND: Rough, like Tennessee, calloused hands with motor oil under the nails. Race/Ethnicity: Any race/ethnicity Gender: Male
Jack FOWLER: Sturdy, like Montana, with a jawline and a voice. Race/Ethnicity: Any race/ethnicity Gender: Male
Sunday, August 4th at 2PM
Monday, August 5th at 7PM
Auditions will occur at the LIMINIS Theatre 2438 Scranton Rd. Cleveland, OH 44113
Production will be Friday October 4th through October 26th, with performances Thursday – Saturday at 8pm.
For questions, please contact the Director Eva Nel Brettrager.
All Roles receive a $400 stipend.